
Autism and Exercise

Most parents, educators and even autism professionals are unaware of the positive impact of exercise on autism. Exercise is an evidence-based practice. Bridging the Gap with the ASD population, evidence-based exercise increases confidence, improves focus, reduces autism symptoms and establishes a lifelong healthy habit.

“The presence of exercise, as well as the support system that comes with group activity and a team-like setting, can improve health, social challenges and the overall wellness and lifestyle of adults with autism” ~ Madison House Autism Foundation (April 2017).

“Children on the Spectrum benefit from physical activity just as much, and perhaps more, than typically developing children” ~ The Talcott Center for Child Development (May 2017).

“Regular exercise can prevent or reverse weight gain and has therapeutic benefits . . . may help decrease harmful self-stimulating behavior and delivers the same health boosts as it does for neurotypical kids and adults” ~ Verywell Health - Sports for Kids with Autism (May 2019).